Warrensburg Septic System Service 

Excavation Clinton Mo Water 2

Our Dad spent his whole career with septic system installation Clinton MO developing Dittmer Ditchings reputation. Focusing on customer service, giving the best support to our customers, along with the best quality installations to give our customers a superior experience. Our family has a long history in the system installation Clinton MO business, as the #1 septic system installers in our area. Dittmer Ditchings reviews show our dedication to customer satisfaction and the quality of our septic system installations.

Licensed Septic System Installer

Dittmer Ditching follows all state, county and local regulations on all our system installation Clinton MO projects. We are licensed with the state of Missouri to install both conventional and advanced septic systems. From the initial design to the final septic system installation, Dittmer Ditching is your quality choice for onsite septic system needs. Your septic system installation is one of the single largest investments you will make for your home and the environment. So it only makes sense to take care of your septic system with proper maintenance and by following our simple septic system proper care and maintenance guide. With proper maintenance your new septic system can last a lifetime.

Excavation Clinton Mo Water

Septic Systems: Experienced Installer

Dittmer Ditching has over 60 years of system installation Clinton MO experience. We install Infiltrator brand gravelless chambers for our conventional systems. Not only do Infiltrator chambers install faster and last longer, they work more efficiently! For more information on Infiltrator visit the Infiltrator web site. Dittmer Ditching also installs mound systems and other non-conventional septic systems. With all of our experience you will know that your system will be done, and done right, by our licensed and insured top-quality septic system installation team.

Quality Septic System Installation

Dittmer Ditching we only use good quality materials for septic system installation. We draw on our experience and the lessons taught to us by our father who had a lifetime of experience installing septic systems. He was adamant about not compromising quality, even if that meant we didn’t make as much money on a particular job, as our competition would have. Dad spent many years on the board of the Missouri Small Flows organization helping to develop the industry. Even representing Missouri septic system installers in the state legislature when they were working on changes to the laws governing the onsite wastewater industry. His efforts were important in the organization’s efforts to insure that the state did not implement anything to undermine the organization’s efforts to insure the quality standards for septic system installation in the state of Missouri.

How Your Septic System Works

Excavation Clinton Mo Septic

A septic system has at least two components: a septic tank and a leach field or drain field. These components will always be a part of any system installation Clinton MO. Primary treatment occurs in the septic tank, where bacteria digest organic materials in the wastewater under anaerobic conditions. The effluent then flows into the leach field for secondary treatment. Here, bacteria complete the digestion and purification process as the wastewater slowly infiltrates and percolates into the soil. Returning to the ground water reservoirs where many people get their drinking water.

Septic System Maintenance

All septic systems will need the septic tank pumped to help keep solids from entering the absorption field and clogging it, how often depends on several factors:

  • The size of the tank.
  • The number of people using the tank for disposal.
  • If you use a lot of toilet paper, have a garbage disposal, or anything else that you might do that adds extra solids to the septic tank.

Most tanks should be pumped every 2 to 5 years. Regular pumping can greatly increase the life of your septic system. Solids must be pumped to ensure that they are not carried out into the leach field where clogging can occur. Clogging can cause a septic system to fail or function poorly. Common signs of failure include:

  • High surface or standing water where the lateral lines are.
  • Odor or slow drainage from household fixtures.
  • Sewage backup into the home.


Septic Systems: Proper Care

Things that should never do:

Flush diapers, wet wipes, paper towels, feminin products, or anything else that didn’t come out of your body. Toilet paper is ok as long as it is not in excessive amounts and you should buy one that breaks down easily in your septic systems tank.

Allow excess amounts of fat or grease to enter the septic system.

Use excessive amounts of laundry soap, detergents, bleach or chemical drain cleaners. Large amounts of these chemicals can kill the friendly bacteria that make your septic system function properly.

Allow trucks or heavy equipment to drive over the septic tank or lateral field.

Introduce large amounts of water into the septic system at one time. Staggering water use such as showers and laundry will aid in the proper functioning of the system.

Have a sump pump dumping into your sewer, shower, or sink drain lines.

Have the flush line for a water softener hooked into your sewer, shower, or sink drain lines.

Allow any extra water to enter the septic system unnecessarily.

Maintenance of a conventional septic system

Most people are familiar with a conventional system, which consists of a septic tank and gravity fed lateral lines for the absorption field. The lateral lines could be pipe and rock, chamber or other variations of these. Maintenance for this type of septic system is fairly basic. Every 2 to 5 years you should have the septic tank pumped, this helps prevent solids from getting into the absorption field which will speed up clogging of the field. Most septic systems of this type do not have an aerator which speeds up digestion of organic waste and allows for quicker and more complete digestion of the organic solids, so eventually they can clog up the field. There are bacterial additives that can be added to a septic system to help clean them up if they are clogged. Also, the periodic adding of some bacterial additives directly to the lateral field can help prevent clogging of the absorption field from occurring. The effectiveness of bacteria to break down organic waste is limited by the amount of oxygen available. The amount of oxygen available out in the lateral lines will be increased if the system installation Clinton MO is at the shallowest possible depth, placing the lateral lines in the top layer of soil where there is oxygen in the soil.

Septic Systems: Maintenance Of LPP

The LPP or Low-Pressure Pipe this type of septic system installation generally consists of a septic tank, pump tank, and absorption field. There may also be an aeration tank, most won’t have this but some septic system installation jobs will include one. Some will have a timer also to spread out the water used over the whole day. The absorption field for a LPP consists of a series of lines that are generally 1″ PVC with a series of holes drilled in them with pea gravel surrounding them or they may be placed inside chambers or EZflow. This type of septic system installation allows for shallower placement where the soil does not perk very fast or where the restrictive layer is too shallow to allow for a conventional system. Maintenance for this type of septic system is the same as the conventional, except that the distribution lines will need to have any buildup of sludge flushed out of them and the filter or filters in the tank will need to be cleaned at least once a year. The frequency of maintenance will depend on usage.

Maintenance of Drip Irrigation System

The Drip Irrigation system will have a septic tank, aeration tank, and pump tank with a disc filter. For this type of system installation Clinton MO the water quality being pumped to the field will need to be improved to help prevent clogging. The addition of an aeration tank for this type of septic system installation helps to break down the solids faster to help prevent the clogging of the emitters. The disc filter keeps large particles from clogging the emitters in the drip line. The absorption field will consist of drip lines that disperse the water at a slow constant rate when pressurized. There will also be a return line back to the pump tank there by continually flushing the distribution lines. This helps keep sludge from building up in and clogging the drip lines. This type of system installation Clinton MO is used for shallow placement with very low rates of absorption in the soil. This system is also used to overcome problems with a high-water table. Maintenance for this type of septic system installation should be done every 6 months, this includes checking the aerator, cleaning filter, and flushing the drip lines. With heavy usage this frequency may need to be increased or with light usage you might be able to go longer.

Contact Dittmer Ditching for the best Sedalia septic installation services.